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GXP CONSULTING Switzerland is a consulting company specialized in Life Sciences which provides high quality support to its customers through a full range of services all along the product lifecycle in order to deliver on time safe and efficient products.


The quality of our services reflects the results we bring to our clients. Contact us to find out more about how we can yield results within your organisation.

Our Services


24 July, 2024

White Paper Release: Rethinking Your Product Development Process

We are excited to announce the release of our white paper, "Rethinking Your Product Development Process", aimed at helping dynamic organizations navigate the complexities and unpredictability of product development.

21 November, 2023

New EU GMP Annex 1 is applicable as of August 25, 2023!

At GXP CONSULTING Switzerland, we are committed to supporting our clients through this transition. We offer specialized training sessions on the new Annex 1 and provide gap assessment services to ensure your operations comply with it. If you are interested in learning more or engaging with our experts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

20 July, 2022

Breaking News: our new alliance with Group IPS

We are proud to announce our new alliance with Group IPS, a key partner for project management, engineering (EPCM), and a vast range of specialized services. Thanks to this partnership we are covering all stages of our clients' project life cycle.

26 April, 2022

GXP CONSULTING Switzerland 8th anniversary!

We are happy to have blown our 8th candle and are very proud of our major achievements realized thanks to the commitment of all our talented team and the trust of our numerous customers! GXP CONSULTING Switzerland has become a major player in Switzerland with a very good reputation and brand image. What a journey, and this is just the beginning of an even more incredible adventure that awaits us!